Power Player feature: Author S. Denise King
Meet our newest Power Player, S. Denise King. Author of CUAY, the Clean Up After Yourself book. She’s been a long time friend of the Own Your Power family and we’re so happy to showcase her latest accomplishment! She has a new booked called CUAY-which stands for Clean Up After Yourself. It’s a lifestyle, personal growth and organization book.
What inspired you to write your book? What problem to you help readers solve?
My book helps readers establish order in their domes and home. To keep there surrounding in order and take responsibility for what they leave behind each day. #CUAYallDay
What have been some challenges?
Time. Working in a demanding full time career, being a mother and South Florida resident. There’s a lot to balance.
What skills have you used to pull it all together?
Fortitude would have to be my greatest skill used these days. There have been so many road blocks, as if I have to do things three times to get completed. So, pushing through is an understatement.
What are the main keys to being successful in business for you?
Never giving up would have to be primary. Everyone won’t get your mission and you still have to carry on.
What’s your favorite me time escape?
Walking has been a lifesaver for me. Three mile walks allow me to air out my mind, breathe deeply and refocus on the tasks at hand.
What would you like your legacy to be?How do you wanna be remembered?
I would love for my legacy to be making the word CUAY a part of our common vocabulary. A word that creates cleanliness and the topic of maintaining your home, body, and mind useful for families around the world. It is also important to remove the stigma and misinformation about hygiene and give those struggling with proper care a loving education on self care.
Any last words of advice for an entrepreneur just starting out?
Don’t distract yourself trying to do everything that interests you. Choose your favorite thing and find how to make that a service or product that can be profitable.
Any recommended reading -a book that helped your biz or your personal growth?
The Game of Life and How to Play It , by Florence Scovel Shinn. Before we make any moves in life, we have to know “who” is moving.
How can our readers reach you?
Website: https://cuay.org
@CUAYlife on social media
Twitter, FB, Instagram, and YouTube.
FOR OWN YOUR POWER RADIO SHOWS ON organization, self care, and Personal Growth, check out some of these shows:
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