Valentine’s Day Distant Healing Special! (REIKI WORKS!)
“I recently did distance Reiki with Simone. I heard about Reiki, even did some in person with Simone when she was in town, briefly, but not a full session. I have to say I was a bit of a skeptic on the distance Reiki, because I didn’t think it would really work since I was in Dallas and she was in Florida, but I have to say it worked! I was blown away.
I had been going through some things that had my blocked in my power or stomach chakra and also in my throat chakra. During the session over the phone I could literally feel tingling all over my body. Next day, things started moving, LITERALLY and this might be TMI, but I had a long talk with the toilet! Lol. Then, my body felt like it does when you have had a deep cleanse. I was tired and wanted to rest, my legs felt like noodles. She said this was normal because it’s like a full body detox. She told me to drink water all day to keep flushing everything out. Third day I felt a different lighter spirit all over, it seemed like everything around me that had been blocked started moving. I felt a sense of Joy again, and the people and situations that had been stagnant started freeing up and moving in a more positive direction. All I can say is I feel amazing. I was a skeptic but now I’m a believer.Distant reiki is da bomb!”
Khadijah, Texas
I attended Simone’s virtual group healing.
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