Power Player Feature: Amy Volkers
Meet Amy Volkers! She and I connected many years ago and instantly hit it off. Well, she’s an Aries too. One day apart. She is also a former Astrologer who first introduced me to Mercury in Retrograde back in 2007. Now everyone seems to be taking about it. lol Amy has an amazing story and I wanted her to share it with you all. If you are looking for a side-hustle ladies, she might have one for you too!
Get to know this Power Player…
Coach Simone Kelly
Tell us about your business:
While I have been an Astrologer 30 years, after going thru a breast cancer diagnosis in November 2010 and treatment through September 2011, there were many changes in virtually every area of my life. While I still love Astrology, the Universe has had other plans over the last 8 years, so I am currently not doing sessions, or classes, but I do still offer a selection of Astrology reports that I have carried for over 25 years. I chose ones that were as close to what I would write if I’d had the inclination…. I do also post some astro info on Facebook and I do intend to do more of that in the near future.
What I am actually more excited about is a business I started in last year, when I became a Stylist with Stella & Dot. That has turned out to be a vehicle where I can give back and make a difference through partnering with clients to host Stylings (online & in person /pop ups etc) as Fundraisers – for whatever group/organization/cause that someone feels passionate about supporting.
There are multiple ways it can be done and I am excited at all the ways I can give back with my business by helping you make a difference and treat you to a shopping spree at the same time!
Main services/product: Styings/Fundrasiers with Jewelry, Apparel, Bags, and exciting new product lines coming in October in time for the holidays and then everything will go to another level in 2020.
What inspired you to start it? I loved the products, I had found Stella & Dot through a friend’s post about an online Trunk Show that was a fund raiser for a foundation for children’s cancer.
So, when I saw something about becoming a Stylist – it’s truly a no lose opportunity, because you do the business in whatever way works for you. No pressure. Just joy. And growth if you want it.
What have been some of the challenges: Just would love more hours in the day to do it – it’s the most fun and rewarding business, but I have some other responsibilities and commitments that require major chunks of my time. So, I look forward to having more time opening up when the Universe rearranges things to make that happen.
What skills have you used to pull it all together? I love technology and the internet and all the ways it allows us to connect and communicate with people we might never have known. I just enjoying reconnecting with women I’ve known for decades, as well as making new friends.
I also love sharing information, ideas, tools and inspiration to a tribe I am creating in my VIP group on Facebook. One other ‘side effect’ of going through everything involved in treating breast cancer as I turned 50, 8 years ago, is that I just don’t put up with stuff that used to bog me down. I try to convey that life is too short to waste your time and energy on people & situations that take more than they give.
Favorite food? Hmmmmm, I can’t even narrow that down lol – depends on the day, though I am vegetarian, so it’ll be plant based for sure… along with good dark chocolate and good coffee!!
Vacation bucket list spot? Scotland/Ireland/UK and I wouldn’t turn down another trip to Paris, and really, France in general.
Upcoming projects? Seeing how many people I can partner with in October for breast cancer awareness (including to give the $$ to a woman going thru treatment for breast cancer) and then would love to help make a difference to as many as possible over the holidays – can be for a family in need, foster kids, whoever gets in touch to nominate a cause/person.
What would you like your legacy to be? That I made a positive difference for my time on the planet.
How do you want to be remembered? For giving good information, perspective, being real and coming from my heart.
Website: https://www.stelladot.com/
Social Media Handles?
FB Fan Page: https://www.facebook.
Instagram: @amyjvolkers
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