What’s Your Priority by Sheila Hawkins
One of the biggest hindrances to getting things done is not knowing your priorities. You’d be surprised at the number of people who don’t know what theirs are and this is where a lot of people get stuck. Time and time again when working with a client and looking at how they go through their days and what happens in the midst of them, it boils down to not knowing what’s important. Not knowing what’s important will hold up your days, have you jumping from one task to another without completion and of course, impedes productivity. Being in this space will have you stuck guessing what to work on or contemplating what to work on first. You’re trying to prioritize your schedule instead of scheduling your priorities.
To shift into the space of scheduling your priorities, take a step back then take a deep breath and exhale. For a moment, forget about all that there is to do. Look at the things you value most. What things matter the most to you? Your children or family? Your health? Integrity? Each of your values are direct indicators of what your priorities are. One of my top values is my health, because after all if I don’t have that I can’t have much else that I want, which is unacceptable to me. That value transitions into my days as one of my top priorities which is why my vegan diet, a good daily workout and meditation are part of each of my days. Nothing comes before them so they’re on the top of my agenda every day without fail. If integrity is important to you that would say that delivering for your clients is important to you.
Make a list of the things you value then look to see what priorities are related to them. Some values may have more than one. Ranking the values according to their level of importance will give you the level of the related priorities. Once you know your priorities, you can compare them to the things you’re doing daily and determine what stays on your list, what gets delegated and what gets kicked off your list altogether.
Keep a list of what’s important handy so that as you move into this new habit of focusing on the important things you have a reminder in front of you about what gets on your daily agenda. Being aware of and in touch with your priorities takes the guess work out of things because you already know what’s allowed to hit your to-do list and calendar and what isn’t. This awareness allows you to be in the habit of scheduling your priorities instead of wasting your time trying to figure out what happens and when it happens. Knowing your priorities keeps you focused and on top of the important things. This is just one way to stop wasting time, take your power back and get things done.
Contact Info:
Sheila Hawkins
Personal Productivity Alchemist
Third Eye Group, Inc. info@thirdeyegroup.net 313.475.0212 www.thirdeyegroup.net
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