A Helpful Guide to Stress Relief! – 35 Me Time Rituals To Prevent Burn Out
By Coach Simone Kelly
It’s a serious problem…we are always in a rush to the next meeting, finishing a major project, picking up the kids, cleaning, cooking…but somewhere in all of that craziness we forget who we are. Have you become that Superman or Superwoman running on Energizer batteries? Well, you are in the right place! We’re going to share many tips on how to reduce your tension!
Realize you aren’t perfect, you aren’t a machine. Humans are incapable of perfection, so stop beating yourself up by working so hard. We sometimes feel guilty from just taking a 15 minute break from the daily grind. However, what most people don’t realize is that those “me time moments” allow you to recover and put your all into the rest of your day.
When you do not make time for ME TIME, you can jeopardize…
- Your stress levels
- Your health
- Your decision-making
- Your professional and personal relations
- Your patience
DO IT FOR YOURSELF, YOU DESERVE THOSE GUILT FREE MOMENTS. We need recovery, reflection, goal assessment time, and the ability to say no! Here’s a check list to help you create some of your own “Me Time Rituals.”
Me Time can help you with calming your nerves and teach you how to say a big “FAT NO” to the busyness that invades your life and say “OH YES” to what really matters… Your well being!
Take a look at some statistics related to stress…
- 55% of Americans are stressed during the day.
- 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress.
- US businesses lose up to $300 billion yearly as a result of workplace stress.
- Stress causes around one million workers to miss work every day.
- Depression leads to $51 billion in costs due to absenteeism and $26 billion in treatment costs.
35 Ways to Reduce Stress
If you don’t take out mini-breaks for recovery, you’ll be no use to anyone. Me Time Rituals are essential indulgences for you to live a happy, healthy and balanced life. Allow yourself the time and space to give thanks, celebrate yourself, and plan for the future…or well ah… simply do nothing at all. Here are some simple routines you can start incorporating into your lifestyle TODAY.
I cherish my me time and I schedule it each day to reboot my energy. I’m talking on the phone most of the day for my job as a coach and intuitive, so if I don’t take breaks and recharge, I can’t do my job well. I asked some friends of the Own Your Power community what they did to avoid burn out and here’s what we all had to say!
- Tap into yourself EVERY DAY spiritually: Meditate, pray, chant or say an affirmation…whatever works for you spiritually can serve as a great relaxation tool. Even if for just 5 minutes, make the effort!
- Take energizing breaks. If time or money doesn’t permit you to take a full-fledged vacation, then escape to a location close to home for a weekend retreat. Make sure people call you only for an emergency.
- Treat yourself to a day-spa for some pampering. A massage, Reiki, or facial will always do the trick! Can’t afford it? You can do a spa treatment at home aka bubble baths!
- Go to your public library or local book store. Browse the travel section, photography books or fiction. Peruse anything that lets your mind go on a mini-vacation.
- Take a news fast and social media fast. Don’t read or watch the news for a day or two.
- Take a walk in the park and bring a book. (Non-work related reading only guys!)
- Exercise at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week or more. It’s a great way to release stress! Exercise lowers your body’s stress hormones — such as cortisol — in the long run. It also helps release endorphins, which are chemicals that improve your mood and act as natural painkillers. It’s a natural high!
- Rubbing my temples with the index and my middle finger. (This helps to keep me calm no matter how crazy the situation is.) –Errol K.
- Take at least four slow deep breaths –Errol K.
- Sniffing lavender oil in palms, sitting quietly through a guided meditation. My preference is to do it with a chakra healing and a simple white light meditation. Zya Mo
- Saying positive affirmations while holding either a selenite or smoky quartz crystals. I’ll do this for like 10 mins straight. Zya Mo
- Hiking/Spending Time in Nature.- Rachel Falleroni
- Playing and snuggling with my fur babies. -Rachel Falleroni
- Gardening – Rachel Falleroni
15. Laughing with a friend who just gets you. – Rachel Falleroni
16. A comedy show does me wonders.- Adrian N. Carter
17. Kickboxing – nothing gets rid of my stress than punching and kicking the crap out of a bag. –Dr. Gregory Jean-Pierre
18. Orgasm – after a release, it seems like all is right with the world. At least for a few minutes. Helps clear the mind. -Dr.Gregory Jean-Pierre
19. Sleep – a new day always brings a new perspective. Dr. Gregory Jean-Pierre
20. Hot candlelit bubble bath with Lavender Epson salt blend. 1-2 drops of peppermint essential oil. –Dominga Martin
21. Firstly go ghost for one hour (cell phone OFF) and just breathe and be. – Dr. Cecilia Shaw
22. Stimulate ear acupuncture point “Shenmen” for relaxation.- Dr. Cecilia
23. Chat and Chew with friends –Dr. Angela Brinson
24. Dance naked in my bedroom and jump on the bed (have a be a kid day)-Monique Nubia Sunshine
25. Be in Nature- ocean or sitting in the park under a tree.-Monica Gonzalez
26. Take some time to journal daily –Rochelle Schwartz
27. Masturbate/sex. Jodie Ann Parkes
28. Talk to your therapist – Diane Jones
29. Spiritual Baths – Diane Jones
30. Remove toxic people from your life – Diane Jones
31. Aroma therapy with essential oils- Angela Armstrong
32. Take some CBD tincture. –Angela Armstrong
33. Get a change of scenery…feel the emotions and then just chill-Angela Armstrong
34. Take a hot yoga class or hit the gym to release tension from the day –Coach Simone Kelly
35. Take a long drive somewhere with a beautiful scenic route- Coach Simone Kelly
Coach Simone Kelly is the CEO of Own Your Power Communications. A company that focuses on helping others transform their passions into the lifestyle they deserve. For more info on coaching programs and workshops go to: www.ownyourpower.biz
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